Music Production
Course Duration: 03 Months | 06 Months

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Music Production

This course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to fundamental music reading and notational concepts. You will become familiar with some of the terms, symbols, and common practices that provide the foundation for the musical language. The course may also give basic introductions to music mechanics, ear training, theory, harmony, composition, chords, rhythms, analysis, history, and styles.


Course Syllabus: Music Production Sylabus
  1. MP 101 Course Introduction
  2. MP 102 Introduction to Music Notation
  3. MP 103 Rhythmic notation
  4. MP 104 Pitch notation
  5. MP 105 Keyboard layout
  6. MP 106 Simple meters
  7. MP 107 Compound meters
  8. MP 108 Major scales and key signatures
  9. MP 109 Minor scales and key signatures
  10. MP 110 Key relationships
  11. MP 111 Intervals
  12. MP 112 Triad qualities, inversions, and functions
  13. MP 113 Dominant seventh chords and inversions
  14. MP 114 Musical terms used to convey tempo, dynamics, and expression
  15. MP 115 Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
  16. MP 116 Evaluating music and music performances.
  17. MP 117 Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, anddisciplines outside the arts.
  18. MP 118 Understanding music in relation to history and culture
Course Subjects For Music Production
  • Music Production
  • Life Skills
  • Entrepreneurship
  • English and Communication skills
  • French
  • Computer application